Comforting Thought: How to take a spiritual detox from damaging media messages

When we constantly hear that we should be smart, better connected, more productive, wealthier – you name it – it takes real courage to claim the time and space to follow the currents of our talents, our aspirations and our hearts, which may lead in a very different direction.

Comforting Thought: Real love allows for failure

Real love allows for failure and suffering. All of us have made mistakes, and some of those mistakes were consequential, but you can find a way to relate to them with kindness. No matter what troubles have befallen you or what difficulties you have caused yourself or others, with love for yourself you can change, grow, make amends and learn. Real love is not about letting yourself off the hook. Real love does not encourage you to ignore your problems or deny your mistakes and imperfections, You see them clearly and you still opt for love.

Yoga saved my brain and body

Yoga at its best can be quietly revolutionary but the revolution goes on inside of you. With diligent time set aside every day your body and brain will transform over time. Out of depression and worries, anxieties and existential angst. Whatever is bothering you, yoga over time and with a gentle teacher can address it.Continue reading “Yoga saved my brain and body”

Comforting Thought: Don’t resist or block off your feelings

Real love for ourselves, by definition includes every aspect of our lives – the good, the bad, the difficult, the challenging past. the uncertain future as well as all of the shameful, upsetting experiences and encounters that we’d just as soon as forget.

This doesn’t mean that we have to celebrate everything that’s happened to us or write thank you notes to people who have hurt us. But, like it or not, the emotional residue of our experiences is part of who we are.

10 Interesting Things I Found on the Internet #106

Enjoy ASMR from an ancient library, paintings to evoke childhood wonder, a yummy lentil curry, a punk loving goat and how to cope with climate anxiety and much more this week.

Book Review: Real Love – The Art of Mindful Connection by Sharon Salzberg

One of the most erudite, spiritually nourishing and comprehensive books on the topic of love – of self, others and the world. Encompassing romantic and platonic love, familial love, friendship and more, by one of the world’s foremost experts on Loving Kindness Meditation. Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Genre: Non-Fiction, Spirituality, Psychology, Buddhism, Self-Help Publisher: Flatiron books Review in one word: HelpfulContinue reading “Book Review: Real Love – The Art of Mindful Connection by Sharon Salzberg”

Comforting Thought: there is joy to be found in being really bad at something

Here’s a great quote from the inspiring, wise and enriching book by Mary McEvoy ‘Ordinary Beauty’. Revel in your mediocrity at doing certain things! There is a joy to be had at being really bad at something. I love to draw and paint. I am a terrible artist. I made one mistake however. In anContinue reading “Comforting Thought: there is joy to be found in being really bad at something”

Comforting Thought: A changing clothesline

Taken from a short and sweet book of insights about life, love and loss by Mary McEvoy… As life goes on, the clothesline diminishes again, families part, spouses leave or die. The clothesline now displays a gender specific wardrobe of perhaps an adventurous widow, or an ordered man on his own in neat contentment. IContinue reading “Comforting Thought: A changing clothesline”