Comforting Thought: The Peace of Wild Things

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

— Wendell Berry

10 Interesting Things I Found on the Internet #125

Bliss out with an uplifting short animation about a contented introvert, lessons in creativity by Prince, a lentil curry recipe, hopeful news for Scottish trees and much more. It’s edition #125 #Interesting Things #ContentCatnip. Tell your pals!

The people I admire and look to for advice

List the people you admire and look to for advice… My best friend She is the most patient, loving, kind and gentle person I’ve ever known. We met when we were young about 17, at a rave and back then we were both completely different people, like two butterflies in full flight with multicolored wings,Continue reading “The people I admire and look to for advice”

10 Interesting Things I Found on the Internet #123

This week, learn how colours got their names, the value of friendship over the lifespan, funky flowing 90’s hiphop, ultra realistic paintings of life in small-town Texas, the legend of Rez Dogs, tasty evening snacks and much more it’s edition #123 of #InterestingThings by #ContentCatnip

Taking big-boned baby Buck to the beach

Buck has had a very difficult few months. He lost his golden retriever sister to a rare form of liver cancer. My parents’ two beautiful Goldens have now become one very distraught and lost boy. He has now grown into an adult body, but his mannerisms and mind are still show that he is aContinue reading “Taking big-boned baby Buck to the beach”

10 Interesting Things I Found on the Internet #122

Learn about twin souls and mystical connection, an exquisite stained glass window, encouragement for your creative spirit, funky house music and much more. It’s edition #122 #InterestingThings #ContentCatnip

10 Interesting Things I Found on the Internet #121

Learn about a mysterious #Egyptian goddess, the worst names in history of give to a child, comforting Lo-Fi music, baroque church pulpits in the same of dragons and much more, it’s edition #121 of interesting things.

10 Interesting Things I Found on the Internet #120

Did you know that Mars was once coated in a green magma ocean? This week you can read love letters that never reached their destined recipient, learn how to make a Zen waterfall in your loungeroom, Jetson’s-style futuristic bubble cars and much more – it’s edition #120 of interesting things!

10 Interesting Things I Found on the Internet #119

Join me this week for a hypnotic aural journey into Polish Drum and Bass, debunk some boomer memes, uncover the rudest sounding town names in America, dozens of abandoned mini castles in Turkey and much much more!