The people I admire and look to for advice

List the people you admire and look to for advice… My best friend She is the most patient, loving, kind and gentle person I’ve ever known. We met when we were young about 17, at a rave and back then we were both completely different people, like two butterflies in full flight with multicolored wings,Continue reading “The people I admire and look to for advice”

Taking big-boned baby Buck to the beach

Buck has had a very difficult few months. He lost his golden retriever sister to a rare form of liver cancer. My parents’ two beautiful Goldens have now become one very distraught and lost boy. He has now grown into an adult body, but his mannerisms and mind are still show that he is aContinue reading “Taking big-boned baby Buck to the beach”

Comforting Thought: Each life is a mission of discovering the question of why you were born

According to Carl Jung, each life is an individuation process, one of discovering the particular question you were put on earth to answer. This question may have been left unanswered by an ancestor, although you must proceed with it in the manner of your own generation. But the question is not easy, or it wouldContinue reading “Comforting Thought: Each life is a mission of discovering the question of why you were born”

Comforting Thought: A traumatic childhood may actually make you more conscious, complex and understanding of others

Dr Elaine Aron in her research looking at Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) found that they are generally more affected by traumatic childhoods and that they are more depressed and anxious as adults. However, there is a big hopeful caveat with this finding – the HSP has all of the emotional tools and understanding of selfContinue reading “Comforting Thought: A traumatic childhood may actually make you more conscious, complex and understanding of others”

Comforting Thought: Viktor Frankl knew a lot about finding meaning even in the worst situations

Frankl was a Jewish psychiatrist who was imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp. He was a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) and in his famous book ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ he describes how he was called upon to inspire his fellow prisoners, how he intuitively understood what they needed. He observed that under those awful circumstances,Continue reading “Comforting Thought: Viktor Frankl knew a lot about finding meaning even in the worst situations”

Comforting Thought: A highly sensitive person (HSP) can be an enduring anchor during difficult times

Whatever the times, suffering eventually touches every life. How we live with it, and help others to is one of the greatest ethical and creative opportunities for HSPs. We HSPs do a great disservice to ourselves and others when we think of ourselves as weak compared to the warrior. Our strength is different, but frequentlyContinue reading “Comforting Thought: A highly sensitive person (HSP) can be an enduring anchor during difficult times”

Comforting Thought: Carl Jung believes introverts do the world a disservice

Carl Jung knew about the prejudice of Western culture against the introverted. He could tolerate it when it came from the extroverted. But he felt that the introverted who undervalue themselves are truly doing the world a disservice. [Introverts] are living evidence that this rich and varied world with all of its overflowing and intoxicatingContinue reading “Comforting Thought: Carl Jung believes introverts do the world a disservice”

The essence of trauma is that it is overwhelming, unbelievable and unbearable

Who can find a proper grave for such damaged mosaics of the mind, where they may rest in peices. Life goes on but in two different temporal directions at once. The future unable to escape the grip of a memory laden with grief. The essence of trauma is that it is overwhelming, unbelievable and unbearable.Continue reading “The essence of trauma is that it is overwhelming, unbelievable and unbearable”

Comforting Thought: The mirror is trying to mirror and become aware of itself

Why is it that we in the modern West seem to know so much about the Cosmos but very little about consciousness? I think the answer is simple. The material cosmos is studied as a collection of observed objects “out there.” These objects in space are measured, and their behaviour can often be controlled andContinue reading “Comforting Thought: The mirror is trying to mirror and become aware of itself”

Comforting Thought: We all have four limbs and a shared history

“Just as all humans are the same and each human differs. All species are the same and each species differs, and within that, each creature too, is an individual. It is a matter of mystery and delight compounded that so many species can bring that buondary between us, so that the hawk looks for theContinue reading “Comforting Thought: We all have four limbs and a shared history”