Sacred Self-care Practices to Help You Slow Down and Remember The Beautiful Person You Are

How do you practice self-care? Life has given me a lot of challenges, sometimes it feels overwhelming and insurmountable. Sometimes a light clicks on, that sublime light to make you really feel hopeful though. If you treat yourself gently and with self-care you will hear a loving voice inside of yourself saying “See! You canContinue reading “Sacred Self-care Practices to Help You Slow Down and Remember The Beautiful Person You Are”

Tree spirits, ghost gums and animal familiars

What’s the one luxury you can’t live without? If you ever find yourself in a time of great stress and upsetting circumstances, the natural world wants to calm and sooth you, if you get outside and start to observe things yourself, you will see. In parks, large trunked trees swing and sway in the wind.Continue reading “Tree spirits, ghost gums and animal familiars”

Unplug from the world, plug in to yourself

How do you know when it’s time to unplug? What do you do to make it happen? The world, work and the demands of people can be confusing, demotivating and exhausting at times. I wonder if you can relate to that? How to unplug from that? Tsundoku A collection of Tsundoku: books 📚 not yetContinue reading “Unplug from the world, plug in to yourself”

Ok Doomer: Are Millennials ‘Generation Exhausted’?

Covid and endless inflation, AI and global conflicts, misinformation and political instability. Climate change and extinction. The world is full of unknowns and bin fires at the moment. All of the above unknowns are getting onto my head like a low-key buzzing static sound just below perceptible  human hearing. Animals hear it. Plants hear it.Continue reading “Ok Doomer: Are Millennials ‘Generation Exhausted’?”

I would like to be a funeral director for one day

What’s a job you would like to do for just one day? It sounds odd, but being a funeral director would teach me a lot about what matters to people. Sometimes I understand people and their lives but sometimes what compels them remains a complete mystery to me. Seeing them in this moment would revealContinue reading “I would like to be a funeral director for one day”

The people I admire and look to for advice

List the people you admire and look to for advice… My best friend She is the most patient, loving, kind and gentle person I’ve ever known. We met when we were young about 17, at a rave and back then we were both completely different people, like two butterflies in full flight with multicolored wings,Continue reading “The people I admire and look to for advice”

Living in a house with a view onto mountains and lakes

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? By saying it out loud I hope it genuinely comes true. Law of Attraction and all of that. From what I have experienced, you have to dream big and conceptualise something first in your mind for it to become a reality. Elements of this fantasy soon-to-be include:Continue reading “Living in a house with a view onto mountains and lakes”

Having a go: some things that most people don’t understand

What’s something most people don’t understand? 1. If someone isn’t making small talk with you, (in a hairdresser or nail salon) they aren’t being snobby, they are most likely shy or introverted and don’t know what to say. 2. If you don’t change the thing that’s pissing you off: job, relationship, location, situation then nothingContinue reading “Having a go: some things that most people don’t understand”

Walking, talking, laughing

What strategies do you use to cope with negative feelings? Everyone has these moments or even long periods of time when they feel derailed, set adrift from where they want to be. Lost. But there’s ways to lift yourself out of that.   Walking: as a resistance to traveling fast, a remedy and rebellion fromContinue reading “Walking, talking, laughing”

I’m writing a letter to my 100 year old self

Write a letter to your 100-year-old self. Hello there dear old friend. No doubt that time has done a number on you. Rocks have moved and been shaped by tonnes of ocean waves, skies and clouds have melted and reformed thousands of times over. I’m glad you loved like you did, with a fearless andContinue reading “I’m writing a letter to my 100 year old self”