Book Review: The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity by David Graeber and David Wengrow

The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity” by David Graeber and David Wengrow offers an awe-inspiring, surprising and dizzyingly beautiful rethink of human history. It is an mellow ode to ancient human experimentation, creativity, fun and how before there were rules and hierarchy – people just had of a hell of a great time!

Book Review: How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell

I didn’t expect much from this book and was delightfully surprised by its immense depth and foresight. ‘How to Do Nothing’ is a profound and glittering jewel about the big topics of politics, internet culture, consumerism, capitalism and consciousness. It takes well-worn assumptions about how you spend your time and the tyrannical monopoly of banal “stuff” on your attention – and then rearranges your brain forever!

Six overlooked, obscure and incredible podcasts for your listening enjoyment this holidays

Are you looking to crunch down on some substantial podcasts but are sick of reading or listening to the same thing? Here are some high quality podcasts that are often overlooked. The Many Minds Podcast Do you enjoy learning about animals, nature, human and animal psychology, environmental topics, biology and history? If so, you willContinue reading “Six overlooked, obscure and incredible podcasts for your listening enjoyment this holidays”

Book Review: Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe

Publisher: Magabala Books Genre: Non-Fiction, History, Australian History, Aboriginal History, Archaeology Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 This is a hidden book about hidden Australian history. Written by esteemed and respected Aboriginal elder, historian and author Bruce Pascoe, Dark Emu tells an alternative version of how pre-European Australia looked according to the original and rightful owners and custodians ofContinue reading “Book Review: Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe”

Book Review: Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing Genre: Non-Fiction, Psychology, Spirituality, Anthropology, Culture, Politics, History Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I was initially skeptical about this book. A hopeful history of humanity? During the time of COVID, climate change and mass animal extinction? However, there was a kernel of hope within me that really wanted for this concept to be true. ThisContinue reading “Book Review: Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman”

The Cult of Endless Growth and Late Stage Capitalism

I have paired some of quotes by philosopher bell hooks and psychologist Svend Brinkmann with some darkly funny photos from the Inhumans of Late Stage Capitalism page on Facebook. This has formed a disturbingly compelling and strange mashup! “Only robots always say yes.” ~ Svend Brinkmann “Confronting the endless desire that is at the heartContinue reading “The Cult of Endless Growth and Late Stage Capitalism”

The Pros and Cons of Moving to Aotearoa New Zealand 2021 Edition

Every country has its shadow side, dark secrets, embarrassing problems and PR nightmares that governments attempt to sweep under the rug and hush-up. Here are New Zealand’s. I’m doing this so that people who have this idealised, naïve view of New Zealand as some sort of Utopia actually come here knowing what to really expect,Continue reading “The Pros and Cons of Moving to Aotearoa New Zealand 2021 Edition”

Book Review: The Life Project: The Extraordinary Story of 70,000 Ordinary Lives by Helen Pearson

Genre: Non-fiction, social sciences, history, public health Publisher: Counterpoint Rating: 🌟 🌟 The Life Project is published by Allen Lane, an imprint of Penguin Books that focuses serious non-fiction from different realms like history, politics, science and philosophy. I really expected a lot from this book and it didn’t deliver. The Life Project is writtenContinue reading “Book Review: The Life Project: The Extraordinary Story of 70,000 Ordinary Lives by Helen Pearson”

Barry Schwartz and the Paradox of Choice

“We laud our almost boundless freedom of choice as if it were a good thing per se, irrespective of what the choice is between. This is of course absurd because any rational person would prefer to choose between two good things rather than between a thousand bad ones. But, under these circumstances, how do weContinue reading “Barry Schwartz and the Paradox of Choice”

How to Counter the Anthropocene: Frugality and the ‘Joy of Missing Out’

“The main threats to humankind were once posed by the forces of nature. Now they are self-inflicted. We are the cause of our own problems and they can only be solved at the level of the society that created them. One help would be to collectively rediscover the ancient virtues of frugality, moderation and theContinue reading “How to Counter the Anthropocene: Frugality and the ‘Joy of Missing Out’”