Having a go: some things that most people don’t understand

Having a go: some things that most people don't understand.

What’s something most people don’t understand?

1. If someone isn’t making small talk with you, (in a hairdresser or nail salon) they aren’t being snobby, they are most likely shy or introverted and don’t know what to say.

2. If you don’t change the thing that’s pissing you off: job, relationship, location, situation then nothing will change and you will still be miserable, in the future, so embrace change. In the meantime don’t continually torture your friends and family because you are miserable because of the choices you made or didn’t make.

3. If someone is quiet, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are weak or can be pushed around. Many quiet people can be very assertive whenever is needed.

4. Money is just a way to survive in this world and be comfortable. Even the world’s richest people can’t be saved from death by having lots of money. It is a false idol and false god of the most shallow kind, it cannot love you, it has no soul. If you surround yourself with money and things they will not gladden your heart or will only do so temporarily.

5. Create discipline and order in your habits and that way, eventually you can do the things you love everyday.

6. Surround yourself with knowledge and use it as an armour and a shield against the chaos of the universe.

7. Depressing working and living environments will depress you and undermine you, even if you are unaware of this. Make sure your home and work space is as comfortable, orderly, vibrant and energetically uplifting as possible and you will feel better mentally and physically.

8. Following trends and following what others expect you to do (of your age group, location amd gender) instead of following your own interests will eventually make you into a boring person – resist this strongly and follow your own interests. Even if this makes you an oddball – you will end up being a very happy oddball, better than being a deeply unhappy normie.

9. People on the internet are your distant friends but if you actually speak to them on the phone or meet them in person, at that point you could probably call them your real friends.

10. People have baggage, hang-ups, insecurities and things that boil up to the surface. If someone has a bad look for you in public it’s 99.9% likely to not to because of you.

11. Animals may not be able to speak but they communicate their complexity through their body language. All of them (not just your pets)have inner lives, experience pain and suffering just as you do. All deserve to be alive and respected. They are not simply tools or resources for human exploitation.

12. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

13. Some people are disappointing and lazy but when you find the good ones, who are reliable, loyal, hardworking, caring, gentle and honest hold onto them with both hands.

purple sunset
purple sunset by me

Published by Content Catnip

Content Catnip is a quirky internet wunderkammer written by an Intergalactic Space Māori named Content Catnip. Join me as I meander through the quirky and curious aspects of history, indigenous spirituality, the natural world, animals, art, storytelling, books, philosophy, travel, Māori culture and loads more.

8 thoughts on “Having a go: some things that most people don’t understand

  1. Absolutely, every word of this resonates deeply with me! I’m archiving this post to revisit, and I have no doubt that it will feature prominently in a future entry on my blog. The insights here are too significant not to share and ponder further in my own narrative.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much 💗 so glad it resonates with you. To be honest I have no idea about if others will understand so it’s really reassuring to see that you really liked it and will revisit it. Much 💖

      Liked by 1 person

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