Book Review: Supercommunicators by Charles Duhigg

Ever wondered how spies manage to recruit double-agents? or how rifle-toting members of the NRA could find common ground with those who want to abolish guns in America? This is a practical and yet exciting guide to how to get better at communicating with friends, family and colleagues. Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Genre: Non-Fiction, Psychology, Communications Publisher: Penguin Review inContinue reading “Book Review: Supercommunicators by Charles Duhigg”

Book Review: Orwell’s Roses by Rebecca Solnit

Genre: Literary Non-Fiction, Biography, History Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 This non-fiction epic is like a rambling rose bush that extends far out into the unknown forest of intellectual curiosity. It features interwoven and enmeshed stories about roses and politics, cultivated by master writer of non-fiction Rebecca Solnit. Yet this is also a biography of one of Britain’sContinue reading “Book Review: Orwell’s Roses by Rebecca Solnit”

Book Review: Kindred Neanderthal Life Love, Death and Art by Rebecca Wragg Sykes

If you are anything like me and are fascinated by pre-history when oversized marsupials ruled Australia and there were multiple species of humans wandering around, then you absolutely must read this book. It’s a magnum opus of the Neanderthal world. #Bookreview #Ancient #History

Book Review: How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell

I didn’t expect much from this book and was delightfully surprised by its immense depth and foresight. ‘How to Do Nothing’ is a profound and glittering jewel about the big topics of politics, internet culture, consumerism, capitalism and consciousness. It takes well-worn assumptions about how you spend your time and the tyrannical monopoly of banal “stuff” on your attention – and then rearranges your brain forever!

Book Review: Nature’s Palette by Thames & Hudson

Do you love nature? do you love colour? If you love these two things then this book is a must-have for your collection. A traditional reference guide originally published in 1814, a beautifully bound and illustrated new version is now available.

Nature’s Palette features all of the hues and colours you can possibly imagine in our green and blue verdant planet. Along with exquisite nature drawings and paintings. Opening this book is like being transported to a more earthy and connected era where nature in all of her splendour was all people knew about sourcing colour. This book is perfect for a gift for the artist you know. Or if you’re an artist, designer, nature-lover or aesthete, I think you would also enjoy it.

Book Review: Plant Magick: The Library of Esoterica by Taschen

#BookReview: Plant Magick is a collectors item of sublime and exquisite beauty. This is a treasury of art and plant history for lovers of #nature #history, #folklore, #witchcraft, #magic. #ContentCatnip

My summer reading 📚 list for #Litha

It is approaching Litha or Midsummer in my part of the world. I’ve worked like a speed demon for the entire year and to be honest I feel absolutely exhausted. I just want to luxuriate and wallow like a blob in tantalising worlds of imagination. What is better and more full of promise in lifeContinue reading “My summer reading 📚 list for #Litha”

Book Review: The Porpoise by Mark Haddon

This is my historical fiction pick of the year. The Porpoise is an exhilarating. There are lightning quick gear changes from one time period to another and one mood to another. Yet the cohesive whole of the novel never felt confusing, forced or contrived

Book Review: The History of Magic by Chris Gosden

Chris Gosden’s engaging and vividly colourful storytelling style brings to life the history of all things occult, pagan and witchy from ancient cave art to modern day witchcraft in a way that is deeply engrossing and enjoyable. #witchcraft #mysticism #spirituality #pagan #paganism #history #archaeology #books #bookreview

Book Review: Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan

Egan is author of the sprawling coming-of-age novel A Visit from the Goon Squad which won the Pulitzer Prize. She has written another epic genre-bending novel this time set during WW2 in New York City, it’s immersive, sparkling and exhilarating. Rating: 🌟🌟🌟 Genre: Fiction, Adventure, Thriller, Historical Fiction Publisher: Corsair Review in one word: Nostalgic * Contains no spoilersContinue reading “Book Review: Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan”