Sacred Self-care Practices to Help You Slow Down and Remember The Beautiful Person You Are

How do you practice self-care? Life has given me a lot of challenges, sometimes it feels overwhelming and insurmountable. Sometimes a light clicks on, that sublime light to make you really feel hopeful though. If you treat yourself gently and with self-care you will hear a loving voice inside of yourself saying “See! You canContinue reading “Sacred Self-care Practices to Help You Slow Down and Remember The Beautiful Person You Are”

Comforting Thought: The Light that Burns Bright

“There is something in the human spirit that will survive and prevail; there is a tiny and brilliant light burning in the heart of man that will not go out no matter how dark the world becomes.”

~ Leo Tolstoy
#Tolstoy #writing #books #bookquote #quote #philosophy #hope #healing #psychology #humanity #philosophy