Sacred Self-care Practices to Help You Slow Down and Remember The Beautiful Person You Are

How do you practice self-care?

Life has given me a lot of challenges, sometimes it feels overwhelming and insurmountable. Sometimes a light clicks on, that sublime light to make you really feel hopeful though. If you treat yourself gently and with self-care you will hear a loving voice inside of yourself saying “See! You can do this. See! It will get better. See! You do have choices and you do have power”. Lean into that voice, it’s the timeless higher part of you that only wants the best for you.

DIY Face Mask

I have a great recipe for a face mask which includes bentonite clay, almond oil  banana, peppermint and coconut yogurt. This is so nourishing, cooling and soothing and literally rearranges my brain making me feel like a new person. I mix this in an iridescent phoenix bowl bought in Japan.

My vintage kimono

I have a summer kimono made of cotton (known as a yukata) that I put on and when I tie the belt it makes me feel so good like I’m in a cocoon. I feel beautiful, elegant and feminine in it. If I’ve been wearing trousers all week, when I lounge I want to feel like a beautiful princess.

My forest green fluffy jumper

Just one of those cheap ones made of an ultra soft plushy material. It’s a cheap material so I feel guilty I bought something that may be fast fashion but I keep everything until it’s falling apart and then  generally upcycle it or if it’s still ok I give it to the charity.

My oracle cards

Oracle cards are an indulgence and a laugh when times are good. They have a bit more gravity and meaning when times are challenging and they can provide mental clarity about issues in your life when you feel a bit lost or worried. A big proviso, not all oracle cards are the same. Some have incredible art and profound insights. Others are a bit meh. I’ve found two of the former in the past and reviewed them on this blog, here and here.

Playing my hang drum

I have a small metal drum in my favourite colour teal and this produces melodies and uplifting sounds when played. I take it to the beach nearby and play it on a blanket and watch the waves come in feel the force of energy from the ocean and sky on my body, the smell of the salt.

Grateful emotions

I list out all of the things I feel grateful for in my life, one by one inside my head. It could be internal qualities like resilience or emotional intelligence, it could be finding creative ways around and through difficulties. It could be external things like beautiful and kind friends or my irreplaceable, kind and amazing partner who I love so much. If things go wrong in an area of life, it’s always good to remind yourself of what’s going right and hug this to yourself like a beautiful shield and a talisman.

David Goggins’ cookie jar method

I didn’t read this book, the Polish Bear did but one insight really stuck. When you feel like you are broken and defeated in life, a technique can help you to get back up again. It’s to recall specific difficult situations in your life and how you overcame them. Write all of these down. Were you bullied, abused or abandoned? Write it down and how you found ways to cope with that. Make sure you highlight the internal qualities of strength you developed overcome it. Write it all down on pieces of paper and put it in a literal jar and seal it. Open it and read them all again when you feel down. This is wonderful and it WORKS. More about it here.

Goggins is a hardcore athlete and a bit full on intense for me but he’s very straight to the point and I like that, his method works for me.

Making art 🎨

Be focused on the feelings it gives you and not the end result. Does it calm you down? Do you feel the dark clouds dissipate, and a blue clear sky emerge? Then it’s worthy of your time, lean into that and again don’t be focused on how it looks or its style or the outcome.

Nature and exercise

Trees, animals and just being outside in nature can make you feel calmer and stronger. It’s like the natural world can bring a strong sense of mindfulness to your life. A sense of time passing, your bodily senses as you use your body. All of these ground you in reality instead of your own head.

Liminal places on the beach at sunset

To end I’d like to share one of my favourite series of words of all time.

Some days, stay up until dawn

As the moon sometimes does for the sun

Be a full bucket pulled up the dark way

Of a well, and then lifted out into light.

Something opens our wings. Something

Makes boredom and hurt dissappear

Someone fills the cup in front of us

We taste only sacredness.


Published by Content Catnip

Content Catnip is a quirky internet wunderkammer written by an Intergalactic Space Māori named Content Catnip. Join me as I meander through the quirky and curious aspects of history, indigenous spirituality, the natural world, animals, art, storytelling, books, philosophy, travel, Māori culture and loads more.

5 thoughts on “Sacred Self-care Practices to Help You Slow Down and Remember The Beautiful Person You Are

  1. These are beautiful ideas, thank you for sharing them. I’ve been experiencing a pretty bad burnout cycle recently and these are just what I need to get back in touch with myself. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I do my best to look after me but I could do more… That Kimono looks stunning and I need to make more art for sure. Have an amazing week 🙂


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