Book Review: Nature’s Palette by Thames & Hudson

Do you love nature? do you love colour? If you love these two things then this book is a must-have for your collection. A traditional reference guide originally published in 1814, a beautifully bound and illustrated new version is now available.

Nature’s Palette features all of the hues and colours you can possibly imagine in our green and blue verdant planet. Along with exquisite nature drawings and paintings. Opening this book is like being transported to a more earthy and connected era where nature in all of her splendour was all people knew about sourcing colour. This book is perfect for a gift for the artist you know. Or if you’re an artist, designer, nature-lover or aesthete, I think you would also enjoy it.

Book Review: Plant Magick: The Library of Esoterica by Taschen

#BookReview: Plant Magick is a collectors item of sublime and exquisite beauty. This is a treasury of art and plant history for lovers of #nature #history, #folklore, #witchcraft, #magic. #ContentCatnip