The most important invention of my lifetime? Chat GPT

The most important invention in your lifetime is… It’s a double-edged sword you know, AI. It has the potential to elevate people out of poverty, cure diseases, etc. However the flip side is it could also be ungovernable, unregulated and out-of-control, meaning it could do anything, anything at all. We just don’t know yet whatContinue reading “The most important invention of my lifetime? Chat GPT”

What would you do if you won the lottery?

What would you do if you won the lottery? I would invest a third of the money, use a third to buy myself a home (I have never owned one, as where I live, houses are outrageously expensive) and use the other third to set up an animal advocacy charity or an animal sanctuary forContinue reading “What would you do if you won the lottery?”

If you could uninvent something- what would it be? Humans eating animals

Could look clearly into the eyes of an animal and tell them that your food preference matters more than their suffering, pain and death? If you could un-invent something, what would it be? This is a highly controversial post and it taps into many people’s ideas of what is morally right and morally permissable. TheContinue reading “If you could uninvent something- what would it be? Humans eating animals”

What is your favourite animal? Crows and ravens

What is your favorite animal? Their iridescent black and purple feathers are like midnight sky cloaks given by impatient gods. Their glances from electrifying ice blue eyes that cut like a knife through my soul. I pay tribute in the form of grapes and old bread and they grace me with their presence and it’sContinue reading “What is your favourite animal? Crows and ravens”

If you had a freeway billboard what would it say? Knowledge is Power

If you had a freeway billboard, what would it say? Knowledge is Power So gather together the glass beads of your curiosity and inner light and pursue knowledge relentlessly until you’ve managed to understand all that has been hidden from you through the guile adults and those more powerful than you, poverty, a difficult childhoodContinue reading “If you had a freeway billboard what would it say? Knowledge is Power”

Do you play in your real life? What does play mean to you?

Do you play in your daily life? What says “playtime” to you? It means reading 📚 a lot of books. Dancing around to music. Trying out cocktails or exotic teas with unusual flavours. Swimming in the ocean, I am very fortunate to live right next to the beach and I am grateful for this. LaughingContinue reading “Do you play in your real life? What does play mean to you?”