Book Review: Nature’s Palette by Thames & Hudson

Book Review_ Nature's Palette by Thames and Hudson

Do you love nature? do you love colour? If you love these two things then this book is a must-have for your collection. A traditional reference guide originally published in 1814, a beautifully bound and vividly illustrated new version is now available.

Nature’s Palette features all of the hues and colours you can possibly imagine in our green and blue verdant planet. Along with exquisite nature drawings and paintings. Opening this book is like being transported to a more earthy and grounded era, when nature in all of her splendour was all people knew about sourcing colour. This book is perfect for a gift for the artist you know. Or if you’re an artist, designer, nature-lover or aesthete, I think you will love it.

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Genre: Non-Fiction, Art, Natural History, Design.

Publisher: Thames & Hudson

Review in one word: Escapism

Although originally intended as a reference guide for naturalists, mineralogists, zoologists and botanists – this book is a superb treasure trove of art and anyone with an artistic soul will find it a pure joy to behold.

The first edition of this book Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours was published long before the era of film and even photography – in 1814. This colour reference guide was an ambitious attempt at establishing a universal reference system for colour based on natural species and objects – animal, mineral and vegetable.

The new edition, now named as Nature’s Palette contains enhanced illustrations of animals, minerals and vegetables – there are now 100 illustrations, along with text relating to the uses and development of colour standards and colour mixing.

Along with the beautiful illustrations, the naming of colours is equally as satisfying to see with elegant and evocative names for the colours like: Berlin Blue, China Blue, Sapphire Blue – notice the trend here? yes blue is my favourite colour.

I bought this book very cheaply while it was on sale. However, now to my dismay I can see that it’s nearly triple the price of what I paid due to inflation. This really does annoy me A LOT on behalf of those of you who want to grab your own copy.

My recommendation is to keep your eyes peeled for a sale on at your local bookstore or online retailer.

Would I recommend this book to you? If you’re a designer, artist, aesthete, naturalist or nature lover then I definitely recommend this book – just peering into these pages and leafing through this book is a joyful, escapist and therapeutic experience.

Do you have this book or do you plan on getting it? let me know below!

Published by Content Catnip

Content Catnip is a quirky internet wunderkammer written by an Intergalactic Space Māori named Content Catnip. Join me as I meander through the quirky and curious aspects of history, indigenous spirituality, the natural world, animals, art, storytelling, books, philosophy, travel, Māori culture and loads more.

4 thoughts on “Book Review: Nature’s Palette by Thames & Hudson

    1. Hahaha 😆 well the book is real, the copper coffee table is mine I bought it years ago and have used it for book reviews ever since then. However I now have my copper coffee table buried in books and a lamp, so rather than dismantle it, I used some software to place the book digitally on top of my coffee table…while I was doing this I thought why not add some watercolor illustrations on the side of the book?so I did that and got carried away. Yes those are my fingers, I wouldnt describe them as beautiful but thank you 😆

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