Book Review: 2024 Lunar and Seasonal Diary by Stacey Demarco

Book Review: 2024 Lunar and Seasonal Diary by Stacey Demarco

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Genre: Non-Fiction, Occult, Archaeology, Witchcraft

Publisher: Rockpool Publishing Australia

Review in one word: Spell-binding

A practical and full colour diary with regular weekly prompts for star-gazing and constellations, as well as fortuitous times of the pagan year. Designed for pagans dwelling in the southern hemisphere, with calendar timings and celebrations that we make, which are the direct opposite to the traditional Celtic/European traditions.

The pages of this diary are full of lush and exotic illustrations and pages are spiral bound making it perfect for the insertion of post-it notes and other miscellaneous reminders. Stacey Demarco’s 2024 Lunar Seasonal Diary is a must-have for anyone interested in moon magic and practical spirituality.

What sets this diary apart is its inclusion of gods and goddesses for each month, adding a mythological dimension to one’s existence. There are seasonal invocations and tailored advice for specific moon phases including equinoxes and solstices. This diary is a beautifully crafted and insightful companion. Highly recommended as a diary for work or home, or as an enchanting gift for a friend or loved one.

The only way that this diary could get five stars would be if there was more mystical storytelling within its pages. Although that would make it less of a diary and more of a novel, so I also understand why this was the case. Overall a triumph of a diary and I will be getting in all future years.

Book Review: 2024 Lunar and Seasonal Diary by Stacey Demarco
Cover image for this book review created with Dall-E

Published by Content Catnip

Content Catnip is a quirky internet wunderkammer written by an Intergalactic Space Māori named Content Catnip. Join me as I meander through the quirky and curious aspects of history, indigenous spirituality, the natural world, animals, art, storytelling, books, philosophy, travel, Māori culture and loads more.

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