10 Interesting Things I Found on the Internet #112

William Haskell: light, time and serene beauty

Edition #112 of Interesting Things I Found on the Internet is chocas full of delectable delights like tessellating clouds, insects with morning dew and more…feast your eyeballs here fine folks!

An otherworldly dragonfly covered in morning dew

Looks like a battle-worn alien soldier wearing goggles, holding a gun and standing in the rain to me..

Image by Eric Van Peer, found via Twitter

An otherworldly dragonfly covered in morning dew, Photo: Eric Van Peer

Land United: A surreal ambient world where you can control time

Play god and control time, the weather and ambient sound for a bunch of disgruntled looking snails in a fantasy world! Fun, amusing and kind of relaxing, have a go yourself…

Ricky Boscarino’s magical domestic realm Luna Parc was 33 years in the making

Ricky Boscarino, also known as “Ricky of Luna Parc,” is an unusual American artist who brings a distinctive, imaginative flair to his work. Using a wide range of mediums that include sculpture, jewelry, painting, and architectural design, Boscarino weaves a vibrant tapestry of creativity. His most significant work, Luna Parc, stands as an architectural wonderland in New Jersey, reflecting his unique artistic vision.

William Haskell: light, time and serene beauty

American artist William Haskell is inspired by the diverse landscapes of America. He seeks to capture changing regions and seasons with his exquisite dry-brush watercolor and acrylic works. He makes visual narratives from Western mountain ranges, mesas, and prairies, and through meticulous detail and skillful use of light, he invites viewers into an intimate connection with these everyday scenes. He is a graduate of University of Wisconsin Stout with a BS in Graphic Design. Read more

Laughter is the best medicine by Existential Ergonomics

Laughter serves as a cue to disarm your nervous system. If you’re being chase by an assailant, you’re likely not laughing. To laugh, you must first be in relatively low-stress state. A giggle or two will take you even deeper into that state.

Laughter also acts as an adhesive, strengthening social bonds. Sharing in the good times is a way to connect with a prospective partner, a new friends, or a group. Once these relationships are established, the jokes and joys help deepen those connections.

Boisterous laughter also draws in lots of oxygen, decreasing your heart rate and stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. The laughter helps us think more clearly and ease into the situation.

Research also suggests that laughter can decrease stress hormones, reduce artery inflammation, and increase HDL (the good cholesterol). It does so by increasing blood flow, reducing vasoconstriction by lower stress hormones, and reducing risk of heart attack. Read more

MGMT: Little Dark Age

I think this video clip is a work of art…it’s a bit of a mash-up of 80’s new wave aesthetic, the Cure and a Baroque Caravaggio style painting…or something, but yeah pretty cool.

Japanese healthy vegan breakfast

Types of ladybugs

Gorgeous aren’t they! Found via Animal Spot

Words in other languages that don’t translate

Language is a fickle and precocious thing and sometimes words simply don’t make any sense and need to be explained. Here are some words that don’t translate out of their native tongue.

Denyl Brook – Shall Not Fade (2022)

This week features a lot of music but I have been going on a really amazing journey lately with finding cool albums. Here’s a new electronic music producer I found Denyl via the amazing TIDAL music player. It’s a high quality alternative to Spotify that offers FLAC quality of higher for true audiophiles. Anyway I love this smooth, happy Chicago house style in this mix album I hope you enjoy it!

Ambient trance mix 90’s style

This is transcendent and really takes you into another dimension, perfect background music for coding or making things.

Absolute unit of a manatee

A Master Perfumer’s Reflections on Patchouli and Vetiver

For perfume makers, each smell carries with it a multitude of associations and impressions that must be carefully analyzed and understood before the sum of all its parts emerges. All perfumers have their own idiosyncratic methods, drawn from their individual olfactory experiences, for classifying fragrances.

In his book “Atlas of Perfumed Botany,” virtuoso perfumer Jean-Claude Ellena leads readers on a poetic, geographic, and botanical journey of perfume discovery. Ellena offers a varied and fascinating cartography of fragrances, tracing historical connections and cultural exchanges. Full-page entries on plants ranging from bergamot to lavender are accompanied by detailed and vivid full-color botanical illustrations by Karin Doering-Froger. Read more

A Master Perfumer's Reflections on Patchouli and Vetiver

Did you enjoy this collection? let me know what you think of it below. Thank you for reading my dear friends!

Published by Content Catnip

Content Catnip is a quirky internet wunderkammer written by an Intergalactic Space Māori named Content Catnip. Join me as I meander through the quirky and curious aspects of history, indigenous spirituality, the natural world, animals, art, storytelling, books, philosophy, travel, Māori culture and loads more.

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