My summer reading ๐Ÿ“š list for #Litha

My holiday reading list 2023-2024

It is approaching Litha or Midsummer in my part of the world. I’ve worked like a speed demon for the entire year and to be honest I feel absolutely exhausted. I just want to luxuriate and wallow like a blob in tantalising worlds of imagination.

What is better and more full of promise in life than a tsundoku pile? Or as the author Nasim Nicholas Taleb calls it…the ‘anti-library’.

I bought some of these on a recent trip to Japan and others I found in charity shops. I have some icecream close-by, and I can’t wait to rest my weary bones for a while in these worlds of words.

What are you planning on reading over the Christmas holidays folks? I hope it’s really good and I hope you are excited to read them ๐Ÿ’— ๐Ÿ˜Š

My summer book list
My holiday reading list 2023-2024
My holiday reading list 2023-2024

Published by Content Catnip

Content Catnip is a quirky internet wunderkammer written by an Intergalactic Space Mฤori named Content Catnip. Join me as I meander through the quirky and curious aspects of history, indigenous spirituality, the natural world, animals, art, storytelling, books, philosophy, travel, Mฤori culture and loads more.

7 thoughts on “My summer reading ๐Ÿ“š list for #Litha

  1. I’ve got a couple out of my big huge pile of unread books which are Tim Rogers and Dave Graney’s books after, like I was saying seeing then live but should read some fiction after that. Happy reading! ๐Ÿ™‚

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    1. I love the sound of these books…these guys have had a wild rock n’roll lifestyle and I’m sure they will be full of juicy stories. I hope you enjoy them William and if they are good then let me know I will try and get my hands on them. In terms of rock biographies two I really loved were Scar Tissue by Anthony Keidis and Pleasure and Pain the biography of Chrissie Amphlett. I would love to read more rock bios of female musicians if you have any recommendations.

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      1. Tim’s one is called “Detours” and Dave’s one is called “1001 Australian Nights” and if they’re really good, could try maybe might blogged about them, we’ll see?
        Oh well, I can say Debbie Harry one called “Face It” is a huge disappointment because I did finally finish it this year but wish never started it, one of the worst auto-bio books I’ve read, like she got nothing to say, the last chapter has a whole bit about thumbs not even her thumbs but just thumbs in general, it kind-of sounds funny typing it out here but it’s not, it’s pretty boring!
        Patti Smith’s books are some of the best auto-bios, she’s a lot of them and I’ve not read them all yet but one reco is one called “Just Kids” which is just brilliant, I think they’re making it into a movie tooo! I did love Holly Throsby’s book which aren’t auto-bios but novels, I think she has three now but haven’t read the last couple yet but only read the first one called “Goodwood” but I would highly recommend that one!

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      2. These ones by Tim and Dave sound really interesting! Yes blog about them if u want I’ll want to learn more about these. That surprises me that Debbie Harry’s book is so boring…she is such an enigmatic character…she possibly chose the wrong co-author to help her write her story by the sounds of it

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