Unplug from the world, plug in to yourself

Varsam Kurnia's esoteric art taps into mythological realms of mystery and wonder

How do you know when it’s time to unplug? What do you do to make it happen?

The world, work and the demands of people can be confusing, demotivating and exhausting at times. I wonder if you can relate to that? How to unplug from that?


A collection of Tsundoku: books 📚 not yet read but tantalizingly, teasingly there right in front of me. Just looking at the pile calms me down.

Observing the skyline

A place from where one can see the changing sky and its moving forms of clouds, lights and time shifting imperceptibly. It could be a vast and hopeful blue sky, or a slate-coloured forboding storm on the horizon. It could be an apricot sunset 🌇 😍 ✨️ 

Observing animals

Your own pets and their intricate, complex, weird and big personalities can be a great source of enjoyment and can make you laugh. Some people for whatever reason don’t have pets. I don’t, not because I don’t love animals but because we don’t know where we will be moving to next.

In this case you could watch a nature documentary or look at birds in your neighborhood. They’re always up to something cheeky, if you watch them closely. You are just as much of an object of fascination to them as they are for you.

Listen to relaxing music

I have some playlists going that are full of new age, ambient and uplifting classical music. I find this takes me onto a different way of relating to the world and time.

Walking and shinrinyoku

I’ve talked about shinrinyoku before. It’s the ancient Japanese art of forest bathing for mental and physical revitalisation and renewal. Sounds a bit weird or cliched but don’t doubt it..it works and is quite miraculous and alters your own quiet corner of the world.

Travel: Koishikawa Korakuen Gardens

A cuddle, an embrace, a silent moment:

If you are lucky enough to have on hand a person who can administer a ‘cuddle on demand’ COD service, then by all means you should avail yourself regularly. It is mutually beneficial and helps you both to feel connected, feel good and unplug together. Likewise a good laugh together about something will work.


Baking or any other process of cooking involves transformation of ingredients with heat or pressure from your own hands or a blender or what have you. It sounds simple but it’s deeply symbolic and means you are literally reshaping something and creating something anew that rearranges all of your physical senses. When done right it looks, smells, sounds and tastes incredible, it’s so good it’s sexy. Perhaps this is why some chefs are considered sexy?

The Bear is coming back on soon. I am slightly fascinated by the lead character Carmi for his arms but mostly, for how he cooks.

Anyway I hope you liked these ideas for how to unplug and I would love to hear how you do it below. 😊 Happy Friday friends

Published by Content Catnip

Content Catnip is a quirky internet wunderkammer written by an Intergalactic Space Māori named Content Catnip. Join me as I meander through the quirky and curious aspects of history, indigenous spirituality, the natural world, animals, art, storytelling, books, philosophy, travel, Māori culture and loads more.

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