Björk Deconstructs a Television in 1988

Björk Deconstructs a Television in 1988

The impish and magical Björk talks about the analogue wonders of TV in 1988. In her typical bewitching and charming way she manages to lull me into strange sort of melodious half-sleep.

Björk Deconstructs a Television in 1988

What she is actually saying is quite profound, about us being the audience to a medium so absolute it orders us to leave behind our critical faculties. Yet because her voice is so sweet I find myself listening to the timbre of her voice rather than what she’s actually saying.

See more on Nowness

Read more about Robot Love and the music of Björk


Published by Content Catnip

Content Catnip is a quirky internet wunderkammer written by an Intergalactic Space Māori named Content Catnip. Join me as I meander through the quirky and curious aspects of history, indigenous spirituality, the natural world, animals, art, storytelling, books, philosophy, travel, Māori culture and loads more.

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